For weeks, the world has watched while devastating events continue to unfold in the Ukraine Crisis. With your support, Hadassah has been helping to save lives at risk.
Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO)
More teams from HMO continue to travel to the Hadassah Medical Clinic in Przemyśl, Poland, near that country’s border with Ukraine, treating thousands of patients. There is also now a new pediatric clinic in nearby Korcsoba to treat babies, children and teens. HMO personnel have received encouragement and acknowledgement of our role by the World Health Organization, Polish Red Cross and Ukrainian government.
Please continue to stand alongside the Hadassah nurses and doctors who’ve stepped up to be part of this humanitarian response.
Youth Aliyah
Back in Israel, the numbers of young people ages 12-18 coming to the Youth Aliyah villages from Ukraine and Russia continue to climb, with many more expected in the coming week. These are children who will need a lot of support and necessities — food and clothing, psychological services as well as educational and social programming. Your generous contributions are what allow our Youth Villages to say “yes” when called on to help.
None of these extraordinary efforts would be possible without your partnership and generous support.