
For posts from the advocacy chair or concerning Hadassah and what it is advocating for.

Podcast about Breast Cancer – Listen Anytime!

Podcast about Breast Cancer – Listen Anytime!

  October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As an organization dedicated to empowering women as well as fostering good health around the world, Hadassah is deeply committed to education and awareness, advocacy and support for groundbreaking research at the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO). Listen to an updated podcast episode of Hadassah On Call, featuring Hadassah experts …

Holocaust Education is a Hadassah Priority

Holocaust education is a priority for Hadassah. For years Hadassah has worked with bill sponsors in the House and Senate to pass the Never Again Education Act. The legislation would establish a federal program and fund to award Holocaust education grants to educational institutions offering classes, resources, teacher training, and student field trips.