Way More Fun than Wearing a Leotard!
Seattle Hadassah, in conjunction with the Hadassah Pacific Northwest Region, is excited to announce the formation of a Zionist Book Club. For our first book we have selected The Zionist Ideas: Visions for the Jewish Homeland – Then, Now, Tomorrow by McGill University Professor, Gil Troy.
Called “The most comprehensive Zionist collection ever published,” Professor Troy’s book examines Zionism through six lenses, each corresponding to a school of Zionist thought: Political, Revisionist, Labor, Religious, Cultural, and Diaspora. Through the text, readers will become familiar with more than 170 Jewish and Zionist thought leaders, thinkers. and Book club members will have the opportunity to discuss and reflect on what Israel and Zionism mean in the context of their daily lives. Equally as exciting, Troy, who served as the scholar in residence for Hadassah’s Milestone Mission to Israel last year, has generously offered his book to Hadassah as a fundraising opportunity. For a $30 donation to Hadassah, members will receive a copy of his text, along with a faceplate signed by the author. Click here to make your donation and receive your copy of The Zionist Ideas.
Facilitated by our Regional Advocacy Chair, Kindra Cooper, this inaugural, six-session discussion will kick off Wednesday, March 6th at 6:30 pm — sharp. Live meetings will be held in Seward Park, generously hosted by leadership of Beer Sheva Hadassah. The meeting dates are: March 6th, April 3, April 17, May 1, May 15 and May 29. Members outside the Seattle area are invited to join in the fun by Zoom meeting. Zoom is an free online video conferencing service. Reading assignments, live session addresses and teleconference information will be emailed prior to meetings. Register here, there is no charge for participation.
Join us for an opportunity to learn more about Zionism, how to talk about Zionism and how to be an effective advocate on behalf of the State of Israel. We look forward to studying with you. This is going to be WAY more fun than wearing a leotard.