Thank you Karen Barall

Thank You  תודה  todah          

Women’s Reproductive Rights, and So Much  More …..!!!

An open letter to Karen Barall:


Thank you so very much for speaking to Seattle Hadassah at our November 10th program.  Chosen in 2018 as the first Director of Hadassah’s Government Relations Office in Washington, DC, you are definitely the best person for the job.  I am reminded of Maya Angelou’s quote about people not remembering all you said, never forgetting how you made them feel.  Karen, you made us all feel proud of Hadassah’s advocacy work.  Not resting on our recent successful passage of the Never Again Holocaust Education Act, you are urging us all to be Hadassah advocates.

You emphasized that our opinions matter to our legislators.  Making us feel important encourages us to go to Hadassah’s National Action Center and save this link to our Favorites.  In addition to Infertility legislation to advocate for, there are issues of Women’s Health and Medical Research, as well as Israel, Zionism and the World.

On behalf of Seattle Hadassah,
Ettie Davis